In order to launch the project, we need to have a managing team that will work full-time on the implementation of the policy. Therefore, we need to rent offices, computers and to recruit this team.
Concerning the open space, we found one to rent, costing 250 € each month. We need so for 12 months : 3,000 €. We need also 4 computers for the people working there : one computer costs 600€, so for 4, we need so 2,400 €. Four people will be hired in full-time jobs : a communication manager, a logistics manager, a public relations manager and a director. They will be paid on average 2,300€ per month, so for 12 months and 4 person, we need 110,400 €.
We also put here the expected subvention from firms : 100,000€, and in addition, they will give us products to include in the point system. We think that firms will be interested in sponsoring the project in order to acquire a better visibility and to link their company with ecological awareness.

It is difficult to assess the operational costs for such an innovative sorting center, but we can base our rationale on the model of PARIS XV by Syctom, as they use comparable technologies.
First, we use a very simple “rule of three”, to deduce the amount of waste we would have to sort. The average weight of residual household waste (which means not all the wastes but only those we will have to sort) in Paris is close to 500kg/inhabitant. It is well below the national average (closer to 600kg/inhabitant). There are 198,000 inhabitants in the XX arrondissement of Paris (2011). According to Syctom, the cost of treatment per ton of wastes is 481.80 €, total of 95,400,000 € for the whole arrondissement.
We will also hire two specialized engineers in order to monitor and improve the system. They would be paid around 3,000€ per month, so for 12 months: 72,000 €.

For the development of the application, we need a license for the application software mySQL and for the scanner software, estimated at 4,247 € and 1,350 € respectively. We will also need programmers, that would be hired for six months (time of the development of the application), which would be paid 12,500 € each, so 25,000€ in total.
For the income, we want to have advertisement within the application, therefore we made an estimation of how much it could yield. So we would be paid 0.858 € for 1000 displays, and that we think that each family would use it once a day at least. There are 96,648 households in the 20th arrondissement, so the calculation would be : [(96,648/1,000)0.858]365, which gives 30,267.25 €. The rewards of the points system would be given by the firms.

First, the live press conference would be organized in one of the state’s room, so we will not have costs on this topic. Then, we would hire three people in order to prepare the room. We would pay them 20€/hours for approximatively 4 hours, so 240 €.

Then we would communicate on our policy by making an official introduction video, an ad campaign and an official Facebook account. For the video, we need to hire two actors, each would be paid 142.96 € per day so a total cost of 285.92 €. The production of a short video including one day of filming, two day of assembly and one day post production costs 3,500 €.

For the campaign, ads spaces can be given for free by the state. For the ads, we estimate that the design, the installation will cost 200 € for each ad, we would have 10 ads that we would display in the subway stations and in the street. The total cost would be 3,000 €. The creation of the Facebook account is free and the task of managing it would be included in the job description of the communication manager, so no additional costs.

We need to give explanatory sheets to the families and to the janitors : there are 96648 households in the 20th and an estimation of 3000 janitors. The price of printing a page in color is 0.2 €, the sheet is two pages long. So we would need 0.2 x 2 x (96648+3000) €, so 3,9859.20 €. To design the sheets, it costs 200 €.

We need also to give the bags to the families : a bag costs approximatively 0.2 €, we need to give 4 bags to each of the 96648 households. So, it costs 77,318.40 €.

We need to organize workshops for the teachers: venues would be provided by the state. We need to pay the teachers a bonus and to pay for the costs of the provided bags. There are nine high schools in the 20th, we would train 5 teachers in each, so 45 in total : we would pay them 20€ for each intervention, there are on average 30 classes per school, each class has one intervention. The cost of intervention is so 30 x 20 x 9 so 5,400 €. We need one bag for each teacher for the global presentation so 45 bags and 10 additional bags for each school interventions. So 45 x 0.2 + 10 x 9 x 0.2 = 27 €.

Finally, for the competitions in elementary schools, we need an estimation of the costs of animators, bags, rewards would be given by firms or local companies. We know that there are 46 schools in the 20th, we would need two interventions for each school, so in total 92 interventions. Animators are paid 15 0€ for each intervention, so it would at the end cost 13,800 €. We would also need bags for the children : we estimate that there are 300 pupils in each school, they would form teams of 10 and we need 4 bags for each team. A bag costs 0.2€, so 300/10 x 0.2 x 46 = 276 €.

In order to conduct the policy, we would therefore need a 95,636,466.31 € subvention from the state.