Loïc DELORY Finance & Strategy


Curious and enjoying challenges, I am glad to have managed (without any technical knowledge before) to work on the mobile app and the barcode scanner mechanism, the design and the development of the website you are currently using.

Gaïa-Line DUPUICH Finance & Strategy


After numerous number estimations, I am proud to announce the birth of our splendid budget, weighing 95 billion euros.

Romane FRANCHE Marketing & Studies


In this project I worked on the choice of location, the goal of the project and also on how we can bring the population to respect the public policy we created (incentives, nudges). I also had the role of formatting our ideas, creating the visual of the website and graphics.

Nathan JACTEL Communications, Media & Creative Industries


I was happy to work with Krish on the design of the sorting center. I took inspiration from the Kiwi model, as I spent my exchange year in New Zealand, and the most innovative ones in France.

Krish JHAVERI Economics & Business


My job in this project: to work on the design of the sorting center, on the logistics of the policy and on the barcode technology for trash bags.

Marjorie LAMI Organisations & Management


Enjoying spending time with my family and curious about reading and watching series, I was naturally in charge of the communication part, and especially how to inform janitors and families of the sorting center project.

Antoine LARA Communications, Media & Creative Industries


My creativity was at the heart of my role since I have worked on incentives and on the points system.

Dunja MILOSEVIC Finance & Strategy


My function: the information and education of students, process of contacting people in case of “bad sorting” and communication budget

Qingyu YAO Communications, Media & Creative Industries


My job: the communication between government and houselholds

Robert TINDWA Economics & Business


I am half-Zimbabwean, half-Kenyan, with a knack for innovation. Passioned by the energetic transition, I have worked with teams across continents on issues concerning energy sustainability, recycling and water & waste management. Other interests include digital marketing, and the main pillars of the Great Transition. On this project, I have focused on the technical features of the mobile app.