Grandmother's Recipes
For a more healthy, cheaper and environmentally friendly cuisine
A Great transition Project
A Great transition Project
Town halls (for their proximity to the inhabitants, their knowledge of the problems of waste and intergenerational links, and financial support)
Local or national associations fighting against food waste, or for a better intergenerational link (Association OldUp, Les Petits Frères des Pauvres,…)
Sciences Po (for the launch, by its altruistic and voluntary student community on these topics, as well as the culture of public service that surrounds the school)
Entrepreneurs engaged in waste reduction and the creation of tools to promote a better way of eating and consuming (Yuka, TooGoodToGo, La Ruche qui dit Oui,…)
Public television channels could be interested in broadcasting content for its economic, social and environmental utility in line with their public service mission. (if we successfully produce content from our classes)
Platforms like Netflix or YouTube might be interested in broadcasting and producing the content, as food is a trending topic on these platforms, as well as environmental issues such as food waste.
Long-term: The process of learning must necessarily spread on a long time-period. We therefore wish to establish a lasting relationship with our customers.
Mutual learning: We believe we have as much to teach to our customers as we have to learn from them. We would like to engage in a relationship that allows for exchanges, feedbacks, suggestions.
Our main customer segment is Sciences Po students. However, if the project yields positive returns, expansion of the target to students across other Parisian universities.