About us

We are the group called Asteroid. Our team is comprised of various multi-talented and dedicated students who have a common goal, the reduction of food waste in the world. Coming together around this theme, we decided to embark on this journey and develop this project that merges both our concerns for the world of tomorrow as well as our passion for audio-visual and organisational creation. Here’s the team:

Lala Farah Elamrani lalafarah.elamranielidrissi@sciencespo.fr

Louise Bluchet louise.bluchet@sciencespo.fr

Julie Charlotte Hacques juliecharlotte.hacques@sciencespo.fr

Cheng Chi cheng.chi1@sciencespo.fr

Léa Méhaweg Testa lea.mehawegtesta@sciencespo.fr

François Tenaille d’Estais francois.destais@sciencespo.fr

Christophe Caya Tremblay christophe.cayatremblay@sciencespo.fr

Deniz Mekik deniz.mekik@sciencespo.fr