About us

We are a team of youth and energy and we are so ready to change the world!


Lainey FOX elaine.fox@sciencespo.fr

Team Conceptualisation

Franck BENICHOU franck.benichou@sciencespo.fr

Quan CHENG quan.cheng@sciencespo.fr

Liangmei LI liangmei.li@sciencespo.fr

Team Partnership

Mehdi BENCHEQROUN mehdi.bencheqroun@sciencespo.fr

Jeanne CHAMPEAU jeanne.champeau@sciencespo.fr

Antoine EVAIN antoine.evain@sciencespo.fr

Team Communication & Marketing

Claire BAILLEUX DE MARISY claire.bailleuxdemarisy@sciencespo.fr

Nejma BENCHOUIEB nejma.benchouieb@sciencespo.fr

Zihao DENG zihao.deng@sciencespo.fr