A research on public opinion is needed before the new food waste tax system is officially implemented. The survey provided would like to know the opinions and intentions of the main influenced players, food catering companies. The survey is mainly conducted through ‘quantitative’ method with closed questions, which allows the government to collect data, understanding the current situation of food waste from restaurant side. Also, some open questions are provided in order to know more detailed opinions towards the new project, this can also help do the qualitative study to gain insights for policy’s future improvement. At the same time, we think it might be possible to conduct _annual surveys_ at the end of each year to track down annual implementation. Each annual survey can be designed with some different questions depending on each year’s situation. Public opinion is one of important factors to measure when government implements a new policy in order to adapt the content of the policy. The following is the example format of our survey provided for the restaurants to answer at the moment before launching the project.

Questionnaire for Restaurants

1.How do you define your restaurant

a) Fine-dining b) All you can eat/buffet c) Bistro d) Diner e) Cafeteria f) Fast food g) Bar h) Others: ____

2. Does your shop have problems of food waste? (If no, please skip question 3)

a) Yes, it’s a big problem b) Yes, it’s kind of a problem b) No, it’s not a problem

3. If yes, what kind of food waste?

a) Stock b) Preparation c) Customer d) Others: ____

4. Does your shop have business strategies for food waste right now? (If no, please skip question 5)

a) Yes b) No

5. What are your business strategies for food waste?

a) Participate “too good to go” application app b) Donate them to SDF/ local charitable organizations c) Donate them to local communities d) Distribute to the homeless e) Employee training e) Others: ____

6. Do you think food waste has an influence on your profitability? (If no, please skip question 7)

a) Strongly agree b) Somehow agree c) No intention d) Somehow disagree e) Strongly disagree

7. How much is the percentage of influence?

a) Less than 5% b) 5-10% c) 10-20% d) more than 20% e) not sure

8. Do you offer wrap-up service (e.g. doggy bag provided)?

a) Yes b) No

9. What’s your opinion towards wrap-up service?

a) Strongly support b) Somehow support c) Somehow oppose d) Strongly oppose e) Don’t care

10. How do you encourage customers not to produce food waste?

a) Verbal recommendation b) Public announcement (e.g. paper on table or wall) c) Order limitations
d) Fines e) Others: ____

11. What do you think about ‘rating system’ from A-D proposed in our policy?

12. Since rating system is linked with ‘food waste tax’ (0%-3.5% annual turnover), do you think this can motivate you to be dedicated to reducing food waste? Why?

a) Yes b) No

13. Will food waste tax influence your pricing position of your products?

a) Strongly affected b) Some affected c) Slightly affected d) Barely affected e) Not affected

14. Followed by question 11, what other aspect would be potentially influenced? (multiple choices)

a) Employment or wage distributed b) Opening time c) Food ingredients costs d) Material costs (e.g. fuel, electricity, etc) e) Restaurant location f) Marketing/communication budget g) Waste management (e.g. compost system) h) Others: ____

15. Do you think this project is an incentive for you to market your restaurant brand? Why?

a) Strongly agree b) Somehow agree c) No intention d) Somehow disagree e) Strongly disagree

16. This policy includes several steps, which step could be most difficult for you to conduct? Why?

a) Purchase and use of equipment (e.g. acquirement of bins) b) Measurement c) Report Completion and analysis d) Others: ____

17. Do you expect to have a closer consulting contact with government when conducting the project?

a) Strongly agree b) Somehow agree c) No intention d) Somehow disagree e) Strongly disagree

18. What kind of contact provided by the government do you prefer?

a) hotline b) exclusive email channel c) periodical face-to-face d) Others: ____

19. Do you have any recommendation for government to improve this project?