How to reduce its plastic consumption?

Apart from our thematic monthly campaign, you can also find tips, videos and articles about plastic consumption. Here is one of the video we have chosen to share.

Enjoy this video :) !

5 easy way to reduce your plastic waste

1.Bring your own shopping bag. –> BRING YOUR TOTE BAG
2.Stop buying bottled water. –> BUY A FLASK
3.Bring your own thermos to the coffee shop. –> BUY A THERMOS FLASK
4.Get the plastic off your face. –> STAY NATURAL
5.Re-think your food storage. –> SORT OUT FOOD STORED IN PLASTIC

awareness campaign


People around the world are taking notice of plastic pollution. Little by little, they are pledging to do something about it. Around the world, one million plastic drinking bottles are purchased every minute, while up to five trillion single-use plastic bags are used every year. In total, half of all plastic produced is designed to be used only once – and then thrown away.Reducing how much plastic we use is a crucial first step, and this World Environment Day the United Nations is supporting a global awareness campaign to discourage the use of disposable plastic products.