Same taste, powerup, moment BUT ecofriendly !
This is a Great Transition project, does it work ?
This is a Great Transition project, does it work ?
Nowadays, single-use plastic cups are systematicaly used for hot drinks consumption in Sciences Po vending machines and cafeterias. 60% of these cups are buried, 39% are inci-nerated when only 1% are recycled because the diversity of the materials used makes it difficult to recycle or recover them. Alternatives exist and are increasingly in demand by consumers but are notwidely used in universities or companies. Moreover, the European Parliament has voted, in October 2018, for a complete ban on a range of single-useplastics (cutlery, plates, straw …) across the unionfrom 2021 in a bid to stop pollution of the oceans. This is why we decided to design ECOffee, a low tech easy-to-implement system and a new way of consumption of hot drinks at Sciences Po
Our cups are compatible with existing coffee vending machines (dispensers and CROUS) in the different parisian campuses of Sciences Po and each student has the possibility of withdrawing one eco-cup at a distribution point located in the cafeteria areas. Once the drink has been consumed, the student simply deposits the used eco-cup in the return terminal where it will be cleaned and reinjected in the circuit !