
This page shows how to embed resources (images, videos, pdf files) in your pages.

Image from assets/images/ folder


Image size


Embed video (from YouTube)

In the code bellow, replace uWSxzjyMNpU with your own YouTube video’s id (the bit after the last / in the videos’ address)

<div class="aspect-ratio video">
  <iframe src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="True"></iframe>

Embed PDF

In the code bellow, change assets/pdf/a4.pdf in front of data and href attributes to the address of your PDF file. If you have uplaoded your PDF files in assets/pdf folder then simply change a4 to the name of your PDF file.

<div class="aspect-ratio document">
  <object data="assets/pdf/a4.pdf" type="application/pdf">
    <p>This browser does not support PDF! Click <a href="assets/pdf/a4.pdf">here</a> to download the file</p>

This browser does not support PDF! Click here to download the file

You can also save and upload your PowerPoints as PDF.

<div class="aspect-ratio document">
  <object data="assets/pdf/powerpoint.pdf" type="application/pdf">
    <p>This browser does not support PDF! Click <a href="assets/pdf/powerpoint.pdf">here</a> to download the file</p>

This browser does not support PDF! Click here to download the file