Future developments

The advantage of our app is that it can easily be upgraded to increase its efficiency and impact. Our strategy for the future encompasses two main aspects. First, we want to increase our network. Then, we have also identified future features that could be integrated, in order to improve the user experience.

Network: Developing our partnerships

As we have seen, we will first develop our app based on a small number of retailers. However, as we expect our app to become popular, we have to increase the number of retailers involved. We therefore have to develop the app.

Increasing our network of partners

Technology: Future diversification

Besides, our app can also be enhanced in the future by developing new features that will increase its societal impact. As a matter of fact, this app could integrate services that optimize the use of the products bought and dramatically decrease waste. Given that our solution is based on an app, it offers a great flexibility to improve it and to transform it such as to offer a whole “experience” with respect to recycling and “garbage management”. We have identified several areas of improvement:

In addition, other devices such as fridges and other kitchen appliances could interact with our app and use the data collected. For example, the app could check whether an ingredient that is about to expire is still in the fridge, or could also help the consumer where is the best shelf to store his items.