We started from a statement, that the streets of Paris are full of butts. It
is not surprising when you know that 60% of the 50 billion cigarettes
sold each year in France finish in our environment. Knowing that one
butt takes 12 years to degrade and can pollute 500 litters of water, it is
a real environmental issue.
By choosing this problem, we wanted to understand why smokers
prefer throwing their cigarettes on the floor, instead of throwing it in a
rubbish, even if they are likely to pay a fine of 68 €.
We have chosen to focus ourselves on Sciences Po Paris’s students,
from 13 th Université street to 9 th La Chaise street. We discovered that
when a smoker throws its cigarette on the floor, it is mainly because
there is no rubbish close to him/her and he/she doesn’t have time to
search for one. Our goal is to reduce by 20% the number of butts in the
streets. To have an idea of the amount, we picked up all butts we have
seen in front of the 27 Saint Guillaume street entrance. As a result, we
collected more than 300 butts, which means we hope to collect not
more than 240 the same day at the same time (Thursday, between 1:00
pm and 2:00 pm).
