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The principle of a smart-road consists of incorporating piezoelectric sensors in city streets and roads. These transducers transform mechanical energy into electrical energy. They use the mechanical energy created by the wheels in traffic to produce electricity that can be either redirected to neighborhoods or used to supply local road equipment (e.g. traffic lights, radars, etc.). This idea has not been implemented anywhere in the world yet and our focus was to transform this theoretical concept into a tangible policy by doing a feasibility study.

Piezo. believes Smart-Roads have the potential to benefit cities in the long run. The reasons for implementing a Smart-Road system are often centered on goals of decreasing city-driven energy consumption coming from fossil fuel and nuclear energy. Cities consume about 75 percent of global primary energy and emit between 50 and 60 percent of the world’s total greenhouse gases (UNHabitat). Wheel-using transportation such as bicycles, cars, buses or motorcycles (even if electric) are not going away any soon and Smart-Roads are a great opportunity to make them profitable by generating local energy while saving money through the decrease in energy consumption.

Smart-Roads also have the potential of generating investment in local industry, spurring development of new products and services through demand for hard and software, as well as provision of the operations.

Lastly, Smart-Roads represent a huge potential market: these sensors are in full expansion. In fact, Europe has a market of about 21 billion euros for this type of technology.

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