The solution for a more sustainable consumption
We develop an application to make your life easier AND make businesses adopt a healthier way of producing. Keep your warranties on hand and find the most durable products with Warrant-E!
We develop an application to make your life easier AND make businesses adopt a healthier way of producing. Keep your warranties on hand and find the most durable products with Warrant-E!
As a diverse group of students that are also daily consumers, we can already leverage the variety of skills that we bring forward. However, none of us possess the specialized digital expertise required to develop an app or the very specific legal implications of data collection. Therefore, we would need to surround ourselves with a qualified application developer and seek legal advice. It will also be important to clearly define the roles of each individual moving forward so that progress is somewhat structured and of course discuss if some want to part ways with the project or if everyone remains involved.
Being confronted to the problem ourselves we have intuitions as to what would work but we are not building on any previous success and are unknown to the public (no brand recognition as of yet). It is therefore important to broaden our network and reach out to key players on the topic. As discussed prior, that can be done through Business Angels (who would inject the necessary finances to launch the business) but also through meaningful sponsorship (Yuka, Too Good To Go) that can make us benefit from their existing communities. To go a step further, once the application is launched, it would be important to gain the support of NGO’s like HOP and the Government to assert more credibility and help with the prospection of partnerships with leading companies of the consumer goods industry.