The new way to discover jobs
Switcher, the job shadowing programme
Switcher, the job shadowing programme
BtoB activity: companies that are willing to accept transfers of Human Resources workers.
State organizations: National Employment Agency (ANPE).
Associations : specially those that will provide skilled trainers.
Trade unions : that will act as an intermediary with the employees.
Linking platform that matches the offer and demand of workforce between companies and finds for each company their ideal employee.
Organization of the shadowing and the training according to the skills of the employee and the skills required by the employer.
Psychological support: helping employees to accept the transition.
Commercial prospection: finding key partners.
Human resources: direction, commercial team, psychological team, orientation team, developers.
Infrastructure: buildings, IT and database.
Research department: Experts that will make prospective analysis about the transformation of employment in the short and the long term.
Values of Switcher: privacy and efficiency.
Efficiency: Guarantee the balance of job offer/demand between partner companies through a short-term adaptation of workers to the required skills.
Trust: each employee is considered individually and we recognize their value.
We offer : Adapted shadowing + orientation meetings + psychological support.
3-step structure: discovery/training/trial period.
With the company:
Continuous in-depth communication with the HR to understand their needs and get their feedback.
We develop the best training format as possible. The idea is to create not only a customer-provider relationship but also to build a customer community where companies can also exchange information together about skills and expertise.
With employees: Psychologists teams will exchange with the beneficiaries and adapt the structure of the program depending on their feedbacks.
Prospection teams.
Managers of each exchange programme.
Exclusive platform for clients.
Label that defines our relation with our clients.
Beneficiaries: the workers who may lose their job in the close future or who want to change job.
Buyers : partners companies, both those who have assessed that they will be suppressing many jobs within the next years (and are willing to minimize the cost of laying off workers) and those who will be in need of new workers with new skills (willing to find workforce).
Human resources will represent the major part of the cost structure (60% of our budget):
Capital assets (computers mostly, an algorithm). (30% of our budget)
General operational costs. (10% of our budget)
The revenues generated by our consultancy missions will constitute the major part of our revenues.
We offer a personalized service to all the companies who would like to operate the transition.
Subscription on the website: free of charge.
We also hope to get subsidies from the State, since our service is of common interest.
Avoid marginalization, loss of self confidence and unemployment.
Empower employees.
Improve a stakeholder perspective within companies.