Be Eaux Nettes
Join the Blue Side
This is a Great Transition project...
This is a Great Transition project...
Within five years in France, how can we reduce our consumption of single-use plastic knowing that industries push people to consume them ?
To answer this problem, we created #BeEauxNettes to give people ways to take some small steps to reduce their consumption of single-use plastic.
Through the campaign #BeEauxNettes, our objective is to raise awareness on plastic consumption and give tips or ideas of ways to change our consumption habits.
Every month we will launch a campaign on a chosen theme. You can find one tab for each of our campaign. In December, we chose to give ideas of gifts for Christmas. A QR Code can be found on our campaign to attract people on our Facebook page.
Every day we also share tips or articles on our Facebook page about the importance of reducing our consumption of plastic and how to do it.
To bring awareness on the overuse of plastic that is endangering our world as a way to empower individuals to take action against plastic production and pollution.
The Dalaï Lama had once said : “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” We truly believe that we can all take small actions little by little to reduce our plastic consumption and on the long term it will have an impact, however small it will be.
Visit our facebook page here: #BeEauxNettes to learn about some tips !! :) :)