Kordon Vert
same cafeteria, just greener.
A customized catering service build just for your company.
A customized catering service build just for your company.
With Kordon Vert there’s a healthier way! The demands of the modern workplace are intense. 90% of office employees wish to eat better but the stresses of work and life get in the way.
Here at Kordon Vert, we offer an easy and healthier catering service for employers. We bring customized menus designed to fit the seasonal and average dietary needs of your workforce.
Through our various options we can locally source our produce to give you the best and healthiest option to boos productivity, health and happiness. Kordon Vert, same cafeteria, just greener.
We invite you to visit our Kondor Vert Website.
Deliverables are found in our Resources Page.
You can start by seeing our video here: