Our plan of action

Objectives: While it is no longer necessary to spend large amounts of budget on traditional marketing campaigns as a result of digital, planning for an efficient, awareness generating communication campaign continuous to be one of the most effective ways to promote one’s message interactively and creatively. As a start-up, we do not expect to have sufficient funds to pay a media agency to plan and launch an advertising campaign for us. However, the necessity for an advertising campaign is critical for generating awareness and trust for our service in Paris—the bottom line being, if we don’t have enough subscribers both store wise and user wise, then our project won’t have the chance to gain traction. In light of this, we have come up with our very own advertising campaign that is designed to generate awareness, loyalty and acceptance among eco stores and prospective app users. Through this plan, we want to make sure that GreenPool takes off as soon as it launches. A successful launch means that the likelihood of garnering profit in the future is high. Our communication/advertising strategy is designed to be low cost. It is based on both digital resources, and traditional advertising poster. The campaign will be monitored and upheld entirely by our communication team.

What is our proposal? A campaign that is made up of three phases each of which is designed to ensure GreenPools’ integration in the Parisian consumer’s mind. In a broader sense the campaign melds achieves a key set of KPI, through a well-coordinated use of different promotional methods that are intended to reinforce each other.  The campaign furthermore is aimed at assuring that the different methods of reach out received by our customers are relevant to that person/enterprise and consistent over time.

Total Budget Required:

9000€ / 4 months

Campaign Duration:

4 months

Software required:

Throughout the three phases we will use the professional app, a market data intelligence tool called AppAnnie to monitor the data of the application (including the downloads, the active users, etc.). https://www.appannie.com/fr/

PHASE 1: Create awareness via Out of Home (OHH) advertisement & Digital


The GreenPool app will available for download on the iTunes store where it will also be advertised via iTunes Search Ads Basic. iTunes Search Ads Basic can bring us app installs at a predictable cost, whereas automation will maximize our results. In addition, we will be able to track our ads’ performance and it is ideal for budgets up to approximately 4,000 euros per app, per month. The app will be advertised using native advertising both on Facebook and Instagram. The advertisement will include a short version of our companies’ teaser video. Eco friendly stores that are already part of the project will be given a “communication package” that includes stickers, a poster, info sheet, qrCode, etc designed to provide both the stores and the customers of these stores with the necessary information about the GreenPool service. The KPI will be the amount of App downloads and subscriptions onto the app. We predict the initial download rate to be 10 thousand. The estimated budget required for this phase is calculated as per the costs incurred by iTunes Search Ads and Facebook/Instagram Native adds.

Budget Breakdown:

iTunes Search Ads: Duration: 4 months Location: Paris Categories: - men, women; Age: 18-65+

Keywords used: eco-friendly, eco-responsible, eco-sensitive, eco stores, green, environmentally friendly, ecologically friendly, environment, ecological, climate, recycle, save environment, recycle bin, recycled materials, plastic, recycling bin, trash, garbage, rubbish, waste, junk, GreenPool

Pricing: Search Ads pricing is a cost-per-tap model (CPT). Charges are incurred once a potential customer taps the add. The actual cost of a tap is a result of a second price auction, which calculates the CPT you pay based on what your nearest competitor is willing to pay for a tap on their ad, up to your maximum CPT bid. This means you can bid competitively without the worry of overpaying

Budget: 30 euros / day 3.600 euros for 4 months

Facebook & Instagram Native Advertising:

Duration: 4 months Location: Paris, 15th arrondissement & Radius: 1.0 km Categories: - men, women; Age: 18-65+ Potential reach: 2,8 k people Budget: 9 euros / day 1.080 euros for 4 months

Communication Package:

Stickers (ex.: https://www.stickeryou.com/): Width: 2.00 and Height: 2.00 Pricing: 50-99 copies: 2,63 euros each ex.: 131,50 euros for 50 copies

Posters (ex. https://www.vistaprint.com): Horizontal: 24”*36” Material: Matte Quantity: 50 Pricing: 682,06 euros

Info sheets – just photocopies, almost no cost: If each photocopy costs 0,05, then 100 photocopies will cost 2,50 euros. Graphic Design Freelancer: 45 euros / hour (https://www.upwork.com/hiring/for-clients/cost-to-hire-graphic-designer/) ex. For 24 hours of work (thinking about the logo and creating it), a Graphic Designer Freelancer will cost 1.080 euros.

KPI Goals: Downloads 6000 In appstore, the number of downloads can be measured by: comments on Appstore*2000 In android, the number of downloads can be measured as: the download amount shows on the platform/3

PHASE 2: Generation of Likeability, creation of leads

Summary: The second phase of the campaign is designed to generate likeability among users and create more incentive for further stores to sign up. The second phase of our campaign aims to achieve this goal by collaborating closely with a set of 10 micro-influencers including:

• Elisabeth MacGregor (38 k followers)- French, Paris based. Focus on beauty, fitness and lifestyle. Youtuber, Instagrammer and Blogger. Former partners include L’Occitane, CosmoParis, Daniel Wellington • Lina Ose (33k followers) - French, Paris based. Focus on fashion, beauty, lifestyle. Instagrammer and blogger • Scheena Donia (16k followers) - French, Paris based. Focus on beauty (hair) and fashion. Instagrammer and blogger • Kevin Ragonneau (23k followers)- French, Paris based. Lifestyle blogger and instagrammer • Hélène Legastelois (96k followers) - French, Paris based. Beauty, fashion and lifestyle. Blogger, Youtuber, Instagrammer

Micro Influencer typically build followings around niches topics and cultivate communities surrounding their content. Many of them interact with fans and followers regularly and, as a result, their followers are highly engaged and active. This also means that micro influencers have a more authentic and loyal relationship with their followers which is a big plus for us as our message will be spread and received by genuinely interested people who might be more prone to interact with the brand. Seeing as our company relies on persuading general consumers to collect garbage and taking it to our bins, it is very important that consumers perceive this activity as something fun, helpful and trendy. Micro influencers can help us reframe the negative notion that people generally hold when it comes to discarding their garbage.

We will target a range of bloggers that focus on fashion and lifestyle and are looking to advocate for issues of sustainability. The goal is to convey the message that GreenPool is a great way for everyone to get the most out of recycling.  

KPI Goals: Social Media mentions / reposts: 10K-15K App Downloads: Increase of 35% →8.4K

Budget: The average price for an Influencer Instagram post is €320. Some campaigns get also done for free depending on the brand that is being advocated. We will differentiate pricing according to the amount of following of different influencers (i.e. below 20K they don’t get paid, they get an eco-friendly product/ service from one of our stores for free and in exchange we ask for a sponsored post, while over 20K we give and eco-friendly product/ service for free and pay for the IG post and related blog post on their blog). We will pick 1 Instagrammer to write a guest post on our webpage. All influencers should also sponsor our competition (phase 3) in their IG post.

Estimated pricing amount: 1500-2000 € excl. “free gifts” that are yet to be agreed on.

PHASE 3: highlight events

Summary: The final phase of our campaign is an open call to action in a creative and original way: We will launch a video based competition on YouTube that will be advertised on our different social media channels: Instagram, Facebook. The campaign itself will come at no cost to us as it is based solely on fully user generated content. Users will be asked to upload a 2:30 min video onto YouTube of themselves collecting a prize from an eco store/smth cool related to GreenPool. The top 3 users that get the most views on Youtube will get extra points or a prize (agreed upon in advance) from a specific store.    

KPI Goals: Utilization: Average daily using: 2 times; average daily using time: 5 mins Retention rates: 65% of users.=5.85k Monthly active users: 9000*6%=5.4k

Duration: 1 month Competition Kind: Online competition (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook) that is based on user generated content A specific store as a sponsor will be chosen (3 winners will get extra points from this store) This store will have some extra free promotion-advertisement in our social media accounts. For example, we can upload some posts and photos on Facebook and on Instagram, while we thank them for giving extra points to the winners. (It will still be free for us).

There will be no extra costs for the elaboration of the communication campaign, as it will be carried out by the people of the communication-marketing department.