Pick Your Meal, a new way of consumption

Today, airlines charge twice the amount of food than necessary: in order to offer a broad choice of meal to their passagers, they bord at least two meals per travelers. They also carry a large amount of drinks that won’t be consumed by travelers during the flight. For security measures, airlines are forbidden to keep the unconsumed food left behind at the end of the trip. It goes to waste. This food waste cost is huge, both on environmental and financial levels.

Our aim is to find a solution to reduce this waste and, thus, reduce plane pollution. A lot of it could be avoided if airlines were able to know the eating preferences of their travelers and, thus, manage their stocks. It would, for example, prevent airlines from boarding alcohol for non-drinkers, or meat for vegetarians.

It would have two impacts: first of, reduce the food waste. It would allow airlines to save a lot of money. It would also contribute to help the planet: it would contribute to make planes lighter and to save the kerosene pollution.

Even though simple, we believe this small action could have a big impact.

For more information, please visit our website