Raise is a social network dedicated to equality of chances. On Raise, tutors and professionals exchange information on educational and career opportunities. Tutors can provide better information to high school students while professionals get the opportunity to civically engage.
Financial aspects
To understand how we could get funds for this project, we enquired on how the associations already existing in this field do.
To finance our project we will rely on different sources :
Funding from corporations’ CSR departments
We would choose for example the HelloAsso platform. It’s a platform dedicated to associations which gives you the possibility to delay the deadline of the crowdfunding which is not possible with other platforms such as Kiss Kiss Bank Bank
Crowdlending and zero interest loan:
In order to limit our level of expense:
As a first step, we will hire freelance workers because we won’t be able to afford premises and IT equipment and we cannot guarantee them a permanent position.
Human Resources
We have defined three job descriptions meeting our needs in order to make the platform work and coordinate the project in a long-term perspective :
Communication Plan
Both our community manager and our project manager will be mobilized on these tasks:
Corporate Communication (emailing, newsletters, participation in education forums…)
Events (for example afterworks to discover the concept)
Press Relations and partnerships with influencers
Social Networks:
A Facebook page linked with the chatbot to get visibility and communicate on our events (https://www.facebook.com/raise.orientation/)
A Linkedin page to network and approach potential new tutors
A Twitter account to inform about Raise’s latest news and share information regarding education
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to make sure Raise is well-referenced on Google
No advertising: Advertising would put our platform at risk, the risk of being biased. If we decided for instance to promote university programs in exchange for a financial compensation, our credibility and neutrality could be questioned.