Make recycling sexy again !
A Great transition Project
A Great transition Project
Faced with the resolution to limit the planet’s average global temperature to a maximal growth of 2°C by 2050, Think El Group led a reflection about the waste management cycle in its integrity, from the production of garbage in households to its recycling process, with the intention to tackle some of its weaknesses.
After identifying a lack of education as a major factor in this situation, we decided to target the segment of population that felt the less concerned about the recycling issue, young people and students, despite paradoxically being the very first generation to have been confronted to the impact of pollution on the acceleration of global warming. The young generation is more concerned with problematic surrounding appearance and lifestyle, characterised by an important presence on social media such as Instagram, where posting pictures of every aspect of daily life has become an automatism. It appears clearly that recycling is not really “instagrammable”. Our idea was to literally associate recycling, a practice that should be a reflexe, to the constant search for aestheticism that is already a reflexe.
In a sense, “make recycling sexy again” through a communication campaign based on self-derision and targeting young people to change their mentalities, with the ultimate purpose to make a reflexe out of selective sorting.