A solution to valorize the use of compost
The Volon’Terre initiative aims at tackling a major 21st century topic, the management of organic waste. As a sustainable solution is not only an environmental emergency but a legal requirement, at least in France, the Volon’Terre project offers a simple and practical answer, inserted within the larger blue economy network. We are planning to organize regular, local collections of organic waste produced by city households. Then, this raw material will be transformed into a rich compost through an easy and costless process. Finally, this compost will be sold to farming exploitations, or eventually directly used to grow our own final products that can be sold to wholesalers. The service will be paired with a Volon’Terre app that will first play a role of awareness towards the consumer who will be able to follow his waste production, and the part that is sustainably recycled. Then, the app will also constitute a tool of customer loyalty thanks to the development of a networks of sponsors offering commercial advantages in exchange with a substantial benefit in their social and environmental responsibility image. In short, Volon’Terre is a nudge to encourage positive behaviours, associated with the elaboration of a valuable and eco-friendly product.