EcoKid Toy
The new eco-responsible and safe wooden toy !
This is a Great Transition project where we have raised many issues regarding traditionnals toys and therefore created a solution that can be enjoyed by both kids and parents.
This is a Great Transition project where we have raised many issues regarding traditionnals toys and therefore created a solution that can be enjoyed by both kids and parents.
Parents Magazine:
Cosmopolitan Magazine:
The Daily Mirror:
@Mumof4 on Instagram
ecoplanet on their personnal blog : www.ecoplanet/EcoKids/Thebestalternativetopollutingtoys.com
Katie Price on Facebook : www.https/facebook/KatiePrice/BoughtthekidsEcoToys/Christmas.com
And millions of other parents and children have adopted us !
You can also follow us on Facebook (EcoKid), Twitter (@EcoKid), and Instagram (@EcoKid)