Feeling bad after scrolling through Instagram ?

Social media are really addictive. Even though they can be a fantastic tool for self-expression or connecting with people around the world, studies have shown that they negatively affect mental health, especially among young users.

CURED is a software developed for Instagram aiming at reducing these negative impacts, to make Instagram a better place. Thanks to our image recognition technology, coupled with a huge database fed by CURED users, we aim at improving Instagram’s algorithm for users to see what they want to see on the platform, and keeping them away from what could hurt their well being. Pop ups will remind users that Instagram is not real life, that we should not compare our lives with what others post; they will inform you when an image has been facetuned or photoshoped, and will give you the opportunity to set a limit time that you want to spend on Instagram. Other features include a fight against cyber-bullying on the platform, trigger warning or private reacts.

Learn more about of project watching our appearance on The Great Transition Talk Show, and get all the details in our note of intention.