The Problem

Our initial and main problem deals with the budget constraint of students who would like to eat healthy food while optimizing their time and budget. Indeed, most students in SciencesPo don’t have enough time to cook and/or don’t have enough money to eat healthy meals in the restaurants near the school, because it is a very expensive district . As a consequence it incites them to eat unhealthy and undiversified food such as sandwiches or frozen dishes to be reheated.

This is detrimental on one hand for health reasons and on the other hand for environmental and social reasons, since many students end up eating alone. Their food consumption has important negative impacts on the environment due to the fact for example that meat pollutes a lot, and most of fast food contains meat. On the opposite, local and organic products often have a lower environmental impact but are less consumed by students.

So, this leads us to wonder ourselves how can we reconcile healthy and ecologically responsible food with a student budget and schedule.