The Concept

Our concept is to create an application that will link within Sciences Po students who want to cook and students who want to order food. It will be a simple application in which cooks and student consumers can create an account and then order or propose food.

For the cooks

The cooks will make an offer of food and specify its characteristics (ingredients, price, vegan/vegetarian options, description, etc.) and the time at which they can deliver it. In our concept, the meal is always proposed for the day after, meaning that a cook will only post a meal offer the day before they will deliver it. We think this makes it simpler for the cooks to organize their time, instead of needing to anticipate days in advance.

For the consumer

The consumer student will then have a variety of offers on their order page and will just pick the one they wants. When they selects a meal offer, they have to agree with a delivery hour with the cook by picking a time slot in which they are available within the cook’s own availability. The consumer will then proceed to payment through the application. For this purpose, we might use payment applications such as Pumpkin or Lydia. Finally, after the payment, a recap of the order will be sent by email.


To better illustrate the functioning of the application, we created a prototype of the main pages.

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Here you can find the very first concepts with other page examples: