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Hello on our project : Bol de Joie !

In France, 17% of adults, 16% of boys and 18% of girls are considered as obese. 23% of heart diseases cases concern obese individual. This is why the government recommends eating 5 fruits and vegetables a day. But eating healthy has a cost that not every household can afford. Bol de Joie wants to become an affordable space, allowing to people to eat healthier and to reconnect with their neighbors and loved-ones around this sacred time which is dinner. Because we want to tackle areas in which people may have less easy access to healthy food and more restricted budget to buy vegetables and fruits this project will be implemented urgently in poor neighborhoods. Bol de Joie will give a nearly access to fresh, biological and local vegetables, fruits, etc…we will go further than simply asking people to eat better, we will actually give them to do so. We will also give them access to recipes ideas, easily doable even by children wich would engage them more in their dietary habits, and give families the opportunity to remake dinner a bonding moment. Then, our goals is to provide these families with the local food harvested by small growers and possibly without MGO or pesticides, which will help local production and a more sustainable way of growing and distribution food. Finally, by making this place an open place, people in neighborhoods would have the opportunity to spend more time and reconnect together, it could help improve the quality of life in certain areas. Thanks to our application, people will be able to take part in a cooking session of a dish they like with their family and neighbours, see what spot is available, find the recipes they have cooked and more.

This is our project. You can find the details of our project in our memorandum of intent.

Bol de Joie team :)

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