Who are we ?

We are 5 students from the school of management and innovation of Sciences Po Paris. Our project aims to address the problem of food waste among the student population in France.

Thanks to our app, we want to incentivize students to waste less food by developing proper food-management behaviors.

Why did we decide to target students ?

While they have limited financial resources, we realize that the student life provides many incentives to waste food. Most food in supermarkets is sold in packages for more than one person while many students in France live alone.

F.OO.D.L.Y is a free app that offers easy and low-budget recipes based on the remains in students fridge. It promotes a sense of community and a sustainable lifestyle by giving suggestions and information regarding activities and discounts from sustainable local shops and restaurants.

Our note of intent

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Our final presentation

Here you will discover our project!

You can also find it in its pdf version here :

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