Discover our partners !


Nespresso, a unit of the Nestlé Group, is the world-wide leader of coffee capsules, and their associated machines, a concept invented in the 1990s. Nespresso’s capsules represent half of the pods sold in the world and ⅓ of coffee capsules bought in France. The coffee in Nespresso’s pods come from several regions of the world, leading to 24 different varieties of capsules proposed to customers.

Les Joyeux Recycleurs

Les Joyeux Recycleurs offers easy and convenient solutions to recycle at work, from plastic bottles, to cans or coffee capsules. They have designed an all-included service tackling the setup of recycling boxes, the bi-weekly collect and the 100% certified recycling. Social inclusion represents another major goal for Les Joyeux Recycleurs, as 5 cents per kilo collected go to an organization helping reintegrated workers.